A SPECIAL MEETING of the Board of Public Safety was held on Tuesday, February 16, 2010, in the Mayor's Office.
Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, members of the Board of Public Safety Gerald Zordan, Richard Zaharek, Douglas Benedetto, James Potter, and Darlene Battle, Fleet Manager Emil Castro, Fire Chief John Field, and Deputy Fire Chief Gary Brunoli. Commissioner Christopher Cook participated via telephone.
Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
PURCHASE FIRE DEPT. VEHICLE On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the Board voted unanimously to accept the Purchasing Agent's and Fleet Manager's recommendation to purchase a 2010 Ford Explorer for the Fire Dept. from MHQ Vehicles of Marlborough, MA, pending City Council and Board of Finance approval, in the amount of $23,801.00.
Chief Field explained this vehicle will replace the white van, which still runs. Mr. Castro added that the van's bottom is rotted out. Chief Field said the Fire Marshall uses his vehicle to transport people and equipment back and forth to fires, and for firefighters to use going to school.
Commissioner Potter said this is part of the replacement plan. Chief Field said the new vehicle will go to the Deputy Chief, whose vehicle in turn will go to the Fire Marshall. The new Explorer will be outfitted as backup for District One.
Commissioner Potter asked why MHQ is the preferred buyer and Mr. Castro said they came up as the low bidder, even with a 2010 vehicle.
Commissioner Benedetto said he'd like to see the Fire Chief in a four-wheel drive vehicle and Chief Field explained he always has the Deputy Chief's vehicle to fall back on.
Commissioner Cook asked about the lettering and light additions and Deputy Chief Brunoli explained the $1500 for simple lights and siren will come out of the Fire Department budget.